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Howard R. Carr - Artist
Galaxy, 60"x35" acrylic on construction paper.
Cat Calculating, 60"35" spray paint and acrylic on construction paper.
Random Motion, 60"x35" spray paint on construction paper.
Origami Universe, 60"x35" acrylic on creased construction paper.
23rd Chord, 60"x35" acrylic on construction paper.
Watering Can Dreaming, 77"x 62", oil on canvas
Go Thru, 48" x 26", oil on canvas
Water Tank, 30" x 22", oil on canvas
Marco Polo Slept Here, 54"x44" collage, mixed media.
Straight of Hormuz|Corridor of Power, acrylic on canvas, 36x36"
Jaunty Jaipur, oil on canvas, 24x48"
Little Black Beluga Dress, 48"x24"caviar,acrylic on canvas
Sisyphus (20" x 30", oil on foamcore)
Infinity Walk, 8ft x 6ft latex on canvas
When Will Wars End? (20" x 24", acrylic on canvas)